Hiatus? What Hiatus?

Yes, for now I’m still on blogging break, but I can announce a date of my return.  I will be back on August 8, which doesn’t seem like much of a break from blogging, considering I’ve been on vacations that were longer than that.

As it turns out, I received a Cataclysm beta key from the wonderful folks at Curse gaming.  I could get started with the beta testing, but unfortunately, the download for the client is in the ballpark of 13 gigabytes, and my remaining bandwidth is a meager 3.1 gigabytes.  The next billing period is on August 8, so expect me to return at that time, and thus shifting the focus of this blog onto cataclysm and the evolving mage class, particularly those involving the Frost tree.

And about the sorting out life thing, I’ve taken steps in the right direction, but that sort of thing takes time.  With the horrid economy, that job search may very well take quite a bit of time.  But I am quite sure that my priorities are still straight, and that I will be able to manage going forward with these new responsibilities.  There’s a notion that some people are more productive when they have more on their plate, and this happens to be one of those situations.  I look forward to the future of myself and this blog.

See you in a week!

5 thoughts on “Hiatus? What Hiatus?

  1. You totally owe me for nominating you for a Beta key! 😉 Joking, but I’m glad people like you with true passion about their class are getting in. I look forward to reading the Frosty coverage!

  2. Awesome news. I’ve not been so fortunate, as Rhidach got the “paladin” invite…. for now 😛 anyway, I will be waiting patiently to see what my baby frost mage will be capable of.

  3. I never heard of these weird bandwidth caps before joining the WoW community. It seems so weird and strange to think about. It seems so unnecessary.

  4. Pingback: Roundup: WoW Bloggers Comings And Goings | MMO Melting Pot

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